Posts Tagged ‘Greenbelt’

Ontario’s wetlands framework needs revision

February 3rd, 2012 by Laura Bowman

Ontario Nature, Earthroots, Ecojustice and Ducks Unlimited released a report this week on Ontario Wetlands: Protecting Greenbelt Wetlands: How Effective is Policy.

Many of the report’s suggestions relate to better interdepartmental and intergovernmental decision-making integration.  Others propose more measurable and defensible standards in the approvals process.

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Citizens and the Ontario Municipal Board

June 10th, 2010 by Paula Boutis

Last night I had the pleasure of attending the Sierra Club Peel’s annual celebration, where the Club highlighted the 5th anniversary of the creation of the Greenbelt, and efforts underway to expand the Greenbelt.  As always, planning issues around the Greenbelt, and planning more generally, were a hot button issue.

As part of the provincial government’s raft of important planning initiatives around the time the Greenbelt was introduced, the government also headed the comments and concerns of citizens  and municipalities that the battle to protect spaces and places was being lost by municipalities and their citizens at the Ontario Municipal Board.

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